Kitchen Chronicles during my absence.

>> Jun 7, 2012

Hey guys!! 
 I missed you, and blogging, i sure hope you missed me too. Its been a whole 16 days!, i have never been away for so long, but i'm here to make it up to you ;). What happened? well, I was entertaining members of my family over the past 2 weeks. They also happen to have traveled from far and wide, it was an important time or period in my life (I graduated!)... thank you, thank you :). I hope you all have been great; and to where it applies happy memorial day in arrears :). Regardless of things, we still have to eat right? so here's a toast to my kitchen chronicles during this period of absence. 

so sit back, relax and Enjoy.

Day 1: 3 people dining
Sese Plantains: This is a typical Cameroonian dish, made with unripe or semi ripe plantains. Mine are unripe, made with cow skin and smoked fish. Its a really easy process, but i'd like to blog the recipe when i make the dish on its own.
Fresh garden veggies stir fry with chicken breast: These days, i feel like i cannot make a meal without a side of veggies, that must be a good thing.
Aged chicken: Its almost like a delicacy, its sold in the Asian super market where i live. This plate is steamed in spices and over broiled on a tray to reduce excess fat. Its really tasty and healthy, and the spicier the better. ;)
Tomato pepper sauce: Spicy enough to be a pepper sauce but also not too spicy that it could be used as a sauce to go with the rice. the green leaf is a bay leaf. ;)
The rice: The stock from the steamed chicken was used to boil the rice so it could be eaten as is.

The Desert: A parfait; freshly baked vanilla cake chopped, fresh strawberries chopped and pure vanilla bean ice cream (store bought). I layered it as in the picture, 2 layers per goodies. I then set it to cool in the fridge... The cake ends up being moist with ice cream and the strawberries.. don't even get me started... yum yum yum.

Day 3: 4 people dining- Late night After a busy day
Sauteed Green beans: My sister made these, parboiled and sauteed in onions, soy, garlic, salt and black pepper. just enough crunch left... yummy.
Baked potatoes: Par boiled potatoes, rubbed in table butter and sour cream and then baked, easy and healthier than frying. Also, a little tip, if you want them out of the oven with the crispy crust as though they were fried, skip the sour cream. :)
Aged chicken: Its almost like a delicacy, its sold in the Asian super market where i live. This plate is steamed in spices and over broiled on a tray to reduce excess fat. Its really tasty and healthy, and the spicier the better. ;) Same as above! hehe
Tomato pepper sauceSpicy enough to be a pepper sauce but also not too spicy that it could be used as a sauce to go with the rice. the green leaf is a bay leaf. ;). Same one as above!
The rice: Plain white rice, my mom has a thing for plain rice :)

 My Plate :)

Day 5: Hosting people over, say 18-30
I can't possibly recipe out every dish here; over time i have covered most of the recipes to these dishes on my blog. I will however list the menu.
-Puff Puff
-Tape Tape Plantains
-Fufu & eru
-Fufu & Okro
-Fufu & Okongobong... i don't know the spelling, i just freelanced
-Grilled chicken thighs
-Steamed Aged chicken
  Other days: Eating out shamelessly :)
Also, follow me on Instagram for immediate pics when i cook @damebourgy
Also, follow me on twitter @CameroonCuisine


minasek Jun 7, 2012, 10:34:00 AM  

I am on DIET why why why you did this to me? LOL

DMC luv Jun 7, 2012, 5:02:00 PM  

MINASEK mon amour!!! It's called a relaaaaappppssseee.....
Non je blague..... Tu plus manger et faire du sport non Cheri?

NaijaScorpio Jun 7, 2012, 8:16:00 PM  

Yummy spread. What is tape tape plantains? Never heard of that. Could u share the recipe please? I am a major plantain lover :)

Nice blog, btw.

minasek Jun 9, 2012, 9:30:00 AM  

Avec mon arthrite c'est très très douloureux et difficile;

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