Rosemary Sauteed potatoes and Onion Ground Beef

>> Nov 18, 2012

My Small Grill made me Small Burgers

Serving suggestion: A spread for every one to serve themselves; Beef patties, Grilled dried tomatoes, Cheese slices, Caramelized onions, Grilled mushrooms and a dressing made from the burger grease. 

Ground beef fried rice and Oven steamed chicken

The Ground beef fried rice: Boil your par boiled rice and set aside, then fry your ground beef with spices and the vegetables of your choice. Fry your rice in the mixture until all the grains are well coated. 
                                                                                                                                                               For the chicken: I Spiced the chicken with onions, ground red bell peppers, ginger, garlic, spring onions and a little black pepper. Salt to taste. Cover it with aluminium foil to lock in the heat and moisture. Bake for 35 mins or until its ready enough for you. When your chicken is cooked, take off the top foil and set your oven to broil. Broil until it's golden brown. :). use the veggies and left over sauce as garnish or serve with your dish.

Winter is here; Opportunity to refresh.

>> Oct 28, 2012

When you come home on a cold winter night and there's nothing in the fridge, and you're not in the vein to cook; a water based soup is inevitably the best way to go. No oil necessary. Just think about what flavors you want to taste in the soup. I actually made this recently & i wasn't feeling well that night. Mine contains Noodles, shrimps, chicken bits, mushrooms, onions and slices of cabbage for a veggie crunch.

A little winter note
Lately my positive attitude spiraled down or should i say took a full wavy spin; i used to hate winter when i just came to Canada and then i decided to think of all the good things it brings and see how i could make it work for me. That has evolved and improved over time but so far these are my 2 main winter excitements. 

THE SKIN - Your skin is always going to be on lock down, so you might as well prepare it to heal from all the summer exposure while it hibernates. Put on a lot of lotion and skin cream before you roll up the tights and or jeans. While you go about your business, the moisture locks in and your skin softens. (Pedicure's last longer too :p)
WARM DRINKS - I feel like warm drinks soothe my insides and give reassurance, i can't explain it. Drink as many as you can, they'll add liquid to your system and you'll feel full most of the time. (A lot of unnecessary feeding is done during the winter) Also, they'll help your metabolism. More tea, less coffee. :).

Just a collage of pretty things that i consumed recently.(I'll do these more often. I can't blog everything so that's when this is useful). 
The first row: All in honor of my birthday {good friends, good times :) }
The second row: White avenue experiences and {Green tea latte & cupcakes from - me moments}
The last picture: Health Watch Detox blend {i will make a post about that. Made at home}

With love! Stay warm burrrr!

Short Trip Home & some history

By the way: I LIED ABOUT THE BREAKFAST PROBLEM. I wish i knew how to strike through my old post, haha. Well, the thing is, it's not really working for me. I might get a little more systematic with time and make it work but for now i'm grabbing coffee at work and sometimes a banana. It's not fit at all. I won't quit the quest for the breakfast solution thou. This post is sort of a photo galore of things i didn't make but are typical Cameroonian dishes. In most cases, i don't know the recipes.

Coki Corn: We had some sort of kitchen conversation about what Canadians would call this if they made it and my mom said it's typically 'a corn cake'. It is made the same way Moi Moi (Nigerian bean cake) is made; Usually wrapped in leaves but  aluminium foil will do in this new age. I don't know the recipe. I'll find it and blog it.

Well, this was made at a family friend's house. Achu is a full blown traditional dish from my village. It is served with either the Black soup(above) or the yellow soup(below). I made the below picture a while ago, See Here. The Black soup is made out of crushed cocoyam leaves and is a way healthier option than the yellow soup which is made from red oil. Both soups have the same spices in them (i think ;)). Well, i don't know how to make the black one. I think this is a real example of how ugly healthy things usually look versus the unhealthy things. 

PS: I here that the black soup came about as a result of poverty, when people couldn't afford red oil they came up with the leaves idea. Poverty breads healthy? lol 

S/O to North West Cameroonians! Bisous!

"The Breakfast Problem"

>> Oct 2, 2012

What it is:  I'm pretty sure everyone has a breakfast problem. Either you have no time for it, you're just not a 'morning person' with breakfast, or you just like a hot drink and nothing else. (Even though we all know breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day; gets the engine rolling)
My guiltMy own problem is, i just don't feel like making or eating breakfast if its not a weekend morning and/or its not for brunch. I want to go hard or go home,
The result: But i realize that once i miss breakfast or take it lightly i end up not eating till 4pm or 5pm and its totally unintentional. Either that or i grub on junk during work breaks, I'm sure everyone has a different version of the breakfast problem.
Solutions: I will be doing posts on solutions to the breakfast problem whenever i find them. So here's the first one:
The Breakfast Problem- Solution 1
If you like Oats, Tune it up 

I'm sure those who don't eat oats are like "click on the mental sign out button fast!!". Oats are a great way to start the day because of their source of fiber, but hey I'm not here to convince you. To each his own. 

This solution is best for people who are always in a rush. Make your oats mix and have it standing on your counter top like your rice and pasta canisters do. 

*Think imperishable, 
*Think 'what i like' before 'what is healthy' and 
*Think 'food groups balance'
I will keep updating mine, but so far i have brown sugar, roasted almonds, oats and protein powder 
Up and in a rush all i have to do is add water and some milk and let it cook in my small pan. This may not solve the problem for everyone but it can stir your mind up in the right direction and it saves time.

Gros Bisous & pardon the silence. i don't love you any less.

Crêpe - Whole wheat

>> Aug 4, 2012

Sometimes I think as a child we ate big portions of food. I guess that created a great immune system but i definitely eat less now. Plus in Cameroon, children are always on the move so we stay in shape regardless. Here, not so much. I remember days when the menu was crepes and we had like 5 each for breakfast or super, with milk. Now its like 2 and i'm done. This was the first time i'd actually made crepes myself.

These crepes were made with 100% whole wheat flour, and it tasted as good as regular flour. There goes my new life change.
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons of butter
- 1 cup of whole wheat flour
- 2 pinches of salt
- 2 tablespoons of sugar
- Half a coup of evaporated milk
PS: Using a non stick pan, i didn't have to use oil; only made this healthier 

So here for you my lovers: crepes with a touch of Nutella and fresh cold lemon zest. :) Yum in my tum
#237Memory: This makes me think of my little (now grown) cousin Paola Penda. If it were her plate, let's say about 8 spoons of nutella. -_-.

Lohi's Creations Mentioned DMC - Merci Cheri!

Lohi's Creations is a blog owned by Ohita, a gorgeous creative lady. Her blog features Nigerian dishes presented impeccably and awesome photography. I used to visit her blog even before i became a blogger. She is one of the food blog pioneers, so it is an honor that she showed my blog recognition. This is just to say thank you and we are officially friends! :). Here is a link to  HER BLOG: Lohi's Creations: and to keep the networking going, i'll mention all the blogs that she mentioned. You guys should check all of them out (i currently am).

Simply delicious:
A Foodie's rambling :
Kitchen Butterfly:
Afrilight Belle's Kitchen:
My Belle don Full:
Dans ma Cuisine:
Being Bills: -My Fellow Cameroonian
Sasa's Kitchen:

My sister's Kitchen.

Hey Guys! 
Typical Cameroonian Dishes here. I've had these pics for a while. They are plates from my sister's cuisine. Mama raised well. :). 
- For exclusive how-to pics, check the recipe page or the your kitchen page.
First Dish: Ripe plantains and coki (made out of coki beans and spinach, usually a different kind of leaf. i think leaves from coco-yam. i'm not very sure.. :P). I'll find out and post raw pics for reference during grocery shopping. 
#237memory {This is a typical Sunday Dish in Cameroon, i guess because it takes time to make and cook}

Second Dish: Ripe Plantains and Ndole i have countless posts on this dish and i think the recipe is up as well. 
#237memory {This is a friend of mine's best dish (Bryan), i remember every time i went to their house as a teen, they were having this for lunch. so it reminds me of them haha -_-}



>> Jul 10, 2012

Dear followers ( and viewers),
        I hope you all are fine, eating well, nurturing your bodies, drinking water and conditioning with exercise :). i tried to research a way to email you all at the same time and i couldn't find one. If anyone knows about that function on blogger, please let me know. Thank you guys for your support and constant queries. It is much appreciated.
        I do apologize for the inconsistency in my postings these past few months. I have been in the process of major life changes; moving, transitioning from the student life to the professional world and most of all geographical changes. Not right now, but things will stabilize here soon and i would not be as scarce as i have been.
        I recently moved from a tiny city to a huge city and i love it here. My skin is glowing. Entering a new space, new energy, new cell phone number. Makes you feel like no condition and no status is permanent. So many things can change right before your eyes.
        Attached is a photo of the last plate my mom made before she returned to Cameroon. I won't make a post about it. It is dedicated to your guys. BISOUS!
        While i disappear and reappear, feel free to keep in touch with me on the other social networks. I post food pics on instagram before i make a blog post of them follow @damebourgy. I do that instantly, so follow me there. Twitter is your go to for new post and tips and tricks, it notifies you quickly follow @CameroonCuisine
         Before being a food blogger i was & still am a freelance fashion designer. I recently launched my website and Etsy store. I invite you guys to check it out at  and Etsy store at and like the page on facebook as well 
The facebook page for DMC has been on forever... LIKE LIKE LIKE :
Here are a few pictures of my current city. Also a picture of me :)!
ps: Please remember to check out the YOUR KITCHEN PAGE... you'll see beautiful things tomorrow...
the music is back on!! :)

I took this picture; view from the 27th floor of the coast hotel on fireworks night - CANADA DAY
Here's a video of part of the works :)


Scalloped potatoes with Spinach, bologna sausages and Philly cream cheese

I had some scalloped potatoes at an Italian restaurant served with steak. It tasted so good, i had to  replicate with my own twist. Here is scalloped potatoes made like quiche but moist in and crunchy on the top and a little sweet. There's spinach, bologna cheese, cream cheese"(her and garlic),whole cream, eggs, a pinch of sugar. I missed the nutmeg flavoring because i was out of nutmeg. 
In the picture below, served with poached pear slices.{this is usually a dessert feature... blame my current craving at the time :)}

Bell Jollof rice and Chicken balls stuffed with cheddar cheese

This is Jollof rice flavored with bell peppers, red and green. I'll explain how possible that is in the recipe page for this :). The Chicken is ground chicken breast bought fresh, spiced and rolled on Cheddar cheese sticks and pan seared on medium heat. Blue cheese would have been better with chicken but i had none. Served with taper taper plantains.

Could serve the chicken balls as is with ketchup. For super or for a snack. proteinnnnnn! :)

Kitchen Chronicles during my absence.

>> Jun 7, 2012

Hey guys!! 
 I missed you, and blogging, i sure hope you missed me too. Its been a whole 16 days!, i have never been away for so long, but i'm here to make it up to you ;). What happened? well, I was entertaining members of my family over the past 2 weeks. They also happen to have traveled from far and wide, it was an important time or period in my life (I graduated!)... thank you, thank you :). I hope you all have been great; and to where it applies happy memorial day in arrears :). Regardless of things, we still have to eat right? so here's a toast to my kitchen chronicles during this period of absence. 

so sit back, relax and Enjoy.

Day 1: 3 people dining
Sese Plantains: This is a typical Cameroonian dish, made with unripe or semi ripe plantains. Mine are unripe, made with cow skin and smoked fish. Its a really easy process, but i'd like to blog the recipe when i make the dish on its own.
Fresh garden veggies stir fry with chicken breast: These days, i feel like i cannot make a meal without a side of veggies, that must be a good thing.
Aged chicken: Its almost like a delicacy, its sold in the Asian super market where i live. This plate is steamed in spices and over broiled on a tray to reduce excess fat. Its really tasty and healthy, and the spicier the better. ;)
Tomato pepper sauce: Spicy enough to be a pepper sauce but also not too spicy that it could be used as a sauce to go with the rice. the green leaf is a bay leaf. ;)
The rice: The stock from the steamed chicken was used to boil the rice so it could be eaten as is.

The Desert: A parfait; freshly baked vanilla cake chopped, fresh strawberries chopped and pure vanilla bean ice cream (store bought). I layered it as in the picture, 2 layers per goodies. I then set it to cool in the fridge... The cake ends up being moist with ice cream and the strawberries.. don't even get me started... yum yum yum.

Day 3: 4 people dining- Late night After a busy day
Sauteed Green beans: My sister made these, parboiled and sauteed in onions, soy, garlic, salt and black pepper. just enough crunch left... yummy.
Baked potatoes: Par boiled potatoes, rubbed in table butter and sour cream and then baked, easy and healthier than frying. Also, a little tip, if you want them out of the oven with the crispy crust as though they were fried, skip the sour cream. :)
Aged chicken: Its almost like a delicacy, its sold in the Asian super market where i live. This plate is steamed in spices and over broiled on a tray to reduce excess fat. Its really tasty and healthy, and the spicier the better. ;) Same as above! hehe
Tomato pepper sauceSpicy enough to be a pepper sauce but also not too spicy that it could be used as a sauce to go with the rice. the green leaf is a bay leaf. ;). Same one as above!
The rice: Plain white rice, my mom has a thing for plain rice :)

 My Plate :)

Day 5: Hosting people over, say 18-30
I can't possibly recipe out every dish here; over time i have covered most of the recipes to these dishes on my blog. I will however list the menu.
-Puff Puff
-Tape Tape Plantains
-Fufu & eru
-Fufu & Okro
-Fufu & Okongobong... i don't know the spelling, i just freelanced
-Grilled chicken thighs
-Steamed Aged chicken
  Other days: Eating out shamelessly :)
Also, follow me on Instagram for immediate pics when i cook @damebourgy
Also, follow me on twitter @CameroonCuisine

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