These are pictures depicting the abundance of food in my country, Pictures taken from the food market... if it doesn't inspire you, at least it should remind you of home.
This is my food Back ground, food from home, a huge part of my inspiration.
Pot Roast Fish - General Dish
Fish cooked in special spices and hot tasty. Good with plantains and Greens veggies.
Ekwang- South west Dish
{Cocoa yams rolled in leaves and cooked with dry meat and dry fish and red oil.: it is such a delicacy, it takes time... soo tasty}
Boiled Unripe Plantains- General Dish
A side dish for other meals.
Myondo- Littoral province
Rolled cassava which is coiled in leaves. This is the finished product.
Eaten with Roasted fish or pot roast fish or Ndole.
Achu - North west province
Pounded cocoa yams made in a circle with the yellow soup in the middle{the soup is made from spices; i cannot explain}, The sides include: Boiled meat{ bush meat, goat, cow foot,dry fish etc.}, Boiled garden eggs, Bitter leaf vegetables with egusi .
Fufu and NjamaNjama: Banso- north west province
Vegetable Njama Njama is fried in onions and tomatoes and is crunchy...very nice.
The chicken below is Cati Cati...its fire roasted chicken made in red oil and spices and some onions and tomatoes. It is originally made for traditional rights and made in leafs ...this one is homemade so it is made in a pot. :)
Regular Juice - Fresh pawpaw, oranges and pineapples.
Koki and sides : i dunno what province this is from
Nigerians this is basically Cameroonian moyin
Soya- home made in Uncle P's
Njama Njama and steamed plantains and chicken. with Cucumber and carrots veggie side.- home made in Uncle P's
Fried Ripe Plantains : Everywhere
Achu again :
By now you can tell its my traditional dish
Poulet DJ : Just Cameroonian.
Paw Paw (papaya)
Oranges and Grape fruits
I see plantains, Pineapples, Plums( the ones you boil) lemons etc.
Soya : sold in the meat market