CHRISTMAS - African man's day off; Alcohol and Suya

>> Dec 25, 2011

And that's Why there's a Christmas day  
In my mind this is the memory i have of men in the streets; Bachelors or married men in Cameroon, Alcohol and beef is like fuel to the bones (maybe some other things lol).

CHRISTMA - The Lion's Share

M    is For the Manger where he lay
A     is All it stands for 
A dinner table in the resturant 

Artist: Mckeough Rita

I really like Art (i paint freelance once in a while, its like therapy to me) and i saw this at my school's art gallery. It's a comic restaurant called the lion's share and everything in it is alive. Its kinda hard to explain, everything in the restaurant is electrified. I tried to add captions but it sort of distorts the order of the pictures. So from the left :
-Restaurant table with food on it
-Milk, a hot dog and eggs. Everything is plastic but it looks real, the milk in the glass seems to be in motion, like somebody aggressively put it down.
-The kitchen; where the magic happens. There's a fake hen on the table too; she lays all the eggs
-The next four are the kitchen shots
-The table again
-The hot dog tank; live dogs with poop (Angeo's spelling) lol,. You choose your hot dog and get it cooked.
-A view of the restaurant, check out the furniture bottoms
-The Specials board, once you walk in that's what you see
-The milk jar is like a fish tank, and when you move closer it's boiling
-Wall decor (Talking carrots)
-I :)
-The Artist.

CHRIST - Lasagna

S     is for the Star that shone so bright
T     is for Three wise men, they who traveled far
You need to be a meat lover and a cheese lover to like this; IMO. Twas my first time making it and lets just say it tasted like i had been there done that, lol. I will put up my recipe. I can't say this is Cameroon related at all, finding it hard to type something about this dish because the picture is so self explanatory. lol. Enjoy.

CHRI-- Dodo Luv & a picture i like

R    means our Redeemer
I     means Israel
 Dodo is like a lady's little Black dress, it never gets old and it works whenever you don't know what to wear but still want to stop the show. 

I just like this picture.... forget what i said not that it was a lie. :) IDM {I didn't make it}

CH - 'Cumen boiled rice, Beef Stew and Naan Bread'

C     is for the Christ child, born upon this day
H    for Herald angels in the Night

Boiled rice with Cumin. Cumin is a spiced a discovered through a hair client and it just gives the rice a different flavor. She made a big deal about it but quit frankly i didn't see the huge difference. It's what i will call a desperate measure for variety lol. Try it though, maybe it's just me. The Stew is just beef stew but i let it simmer for long after it was ready (to kind of over cook the beef). The Naan bread was store bought  and i toasted it in the oven, but it goes back to Cameroonians and Bread. There's just something about that... :)... Sorry for the late updates guys; what can i say its Christmass. 

Cumin Spice to the left


Updates to the upcoming posts will be done later. Enjoy your Xmas.

Fettuccine, Steak stripes & garlic teriyaki sauce.

>> Dec 20, 2011

 20th December 2011----> 2012 IS TIME TO BE ANYTHING YOU DESIRE.  
 The theme to end tonight is : 
"What's Love got to do with it? :)"
The title is self explanatory, good quick meal!

Cassava & Ox Tail

A quote from a life caoch : 
"Fill yourself up, don't be the one with the cup. Be the one with the pitcher"

Ox Tail, also known as the tail of Cattle (Wickiiii haha), and oven roasted cassava (Cassava is what is used to make Garri, water fufu, and myondo. I think it is fermented at different levels for each. I know for garri it is dried at some point, the other two= fermentation. Click on the words to see what i am talking about :).

Ripe Plantains, roasted fish and Salad

>> Nov 2, 2011

Tossed spinach salad with a strawberry dressing, Boiled ripe plantains and Roasted Tilapia. 
These pictures were not taken at the best time.**
There is fish pepper sauce that i made on the fish(that sounds Tasted really good. Enjoy!....the view i mean.

Puff Puff and Beans

I feel like i am always saying its been so long. But here goes... its been so long! lol. I love the viewer counter and blog loving. #justsaying. Well here we have puff puff and beans. I made the puff puff, my Brother Sid made the beans. His beans is the best i know. He knows it too; he calls it "Skills". lol. If you have awesome brothers say eeeeyyyyoooh!

Yogurt & Lemon Cake.

>> Oct 9, 2011

So, my friends know: i never bake... or at least i try to but i don't have a baker's confiance. I felt like putting a little love into something and so i decided to bake. Baking requires patience, i dont have patience. lol. so i tried to do everything slowly and finely. I followed a recipe from a book {I must say, sometimes these recipe books are crazy! #nuffsaid }. My Aunty Dora used to make yogurt cake for us when we were kids and she'd use food coloring in the cake haha. She could cook up a storm BTW. 
Well i am very proud of the turn out. The recipe called for cream or icing on the top and i used whip cream   ( because in my mind its lighter lol) and pecans on the top. The cake had the consistency of cheese cake. 

Plantains & Cat Fish stew.

I know its been a while, its school guys. This is supposed to be a post from last weekend. I have been crazy busy; but i stay loyal ( :)puts palms together in prayer mode) lol. Well, I boiled the ripe plantains and: -----Does anyone remember Njangsang (LAWD! i know i spelled that wrong.) lol but its a spice that looks like peanut. We crush it and use it to make fish stew; with fresh fish of course. In case anyone forgot i have a picture of it here in my hand :) lol.

*A few things about it*
-You have to fry it in a pan to dry it before you can crush it, that makes it easy
-I have noo idea where it comes from sorry lol.
*How to apply it to your food*
-When you are frying your tomatoes and onions, add it to the sauce and let it cook with the mixture. :)... crushed of course. 

Dodo & Ndole.

>> Oct 8, 2011


Me : I have a question for you
Your mind : Who is she talking to
Me : You, far away from Cameroon, looking forward to going back, starring at my blog and coming up with an idea for your next dish
Your mind : this girls' crazy
Me : Do i make you hungry or awaken your appetite for something you haven't had in a while.... or just make you remember home.
Your mind : In fact i am closing this browser..
Me : My target is to remind you of your roots. Any thing else is a human urge, deal with it :) lol J/K
(Why did i just type that?)

Veggies in September

>> Sep 18, 2011


Chicken Breast, Carrots and green beans.

This month has been a month of Gratitude to me. I have learned a lot from a few experiences in life. The way i see the world is; everyone i meet has something to offer, it might be their story, it might be their reaction to a situation or it might be how they respond to me. Either way, i pick something up all the time, to me knowledge comes in many different ways. Its up to you to to acquire it. no one and nothing is too small.

~ I also learned that sometimes someone may affect you negatively only to awaken the best part of you from within. Be thankful to everyone in your life, they are there for a purpose. Spread the love.! These dishes were...awesome :). Have a great week guys!

Bisous!!, DMC

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Yam and chicken breast.

>> Sep 9, 2011

Yam, tomato sauce (peppered) and chicken breast{ I boiled it for a few minutes, spiced it and put in the oven!.} i just boiled the yam, and the tomato sauce was just so the meal isn't too dry. Another quick meal... i am no chef Ramzy, but what goes into your mouth has got to matter, Now smile for the Camera, u are being watched! hahaha jk & i you too.

Stir fry : steak, mushrooms and carrots.

Its just stir fry, but no oil. Hence very healthy. I discovered 1 more Chinese spice---;The shortest bottle (Its called Five spices, u can get it at your local grocery store)
-Then soy sauce
-Salted cooking wine.
- Pepper.
Quick, safe, healthy and tasty. what more can a student ask for :p

Slice through : Shrimp & Dodo

>> Sep 4, 2011

Extra ripe Dodo, fried.
Shrimp in tomato sauce
Covered with aluminium foil and put in the oven for bonding ;) {say 3 minutes}
Bon appetite cheri. 

Peppered Snails (Nyamangoro)

>> Aug 25, 2011

Where i come from this is Taboo!. The North will tell you only people from the dirty Southwest eat Snails. My parents don't obviously, so naturally i never grew up eating snails . 

(No offence, I love Cameroonians, North, south, east, west..Hit it!!! )
In Cameroon you won't find this on the streets of Bamenda, (except i was fooled with that fact hehe), . BHS changed that for me, it was like the best snack in boarding school days and it was Illegal, Illegal always seems more attractive :) . Raise your hand if you know what i mean.... thnx!. It is sold on sticks back home. 
This is what they look like sold in Cameroon -------------------> I stole that picture off Facebook. I don't remember who's page it was on. Forgive me and thank you. :p

Funny enough "L'escargots s'est du délicatesse".(did a say tha righ? haha) 

Steak and fried rice.

Did i say Wednesday? sorry i meant Thursday! that's today.
I get tired of rice. Its amazing what spring onions can do.
I cannot say much here...Pictures talk these days. :)

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