>> Dec 5, 2013


I'm still expecting your visit, I'll remind you until you do! 

Come by and Say hi!!
:) :) :) :) :)


>> Nov 4, 2013

Nobody told me:

That when you plan to do something and you give yourself a deadline, you might encounter unexpected obstacles towards your goal. That's a lie.
That it would take me 5 months to come up with my new website, or
That because it was going to take me that long, i probably shouldn't have closed the current website.

I Apologize, i think that was very bad judgement

Change is the only constant thing, and as i sit here fighting the lizard brain not to launch my new website, i deeply regret my method of transition.

I had Googled how its done; how do other bloggers transition or move their websites without loosing views or loosing people's interest? I did find responses to my question, but i never knew that it will take me ...5 MONTHS.

I mean  i was building, designing and hosting my website all by myself you would think i gave myself some good allowance to learn and do.But i didn't.

It's the other voice in your head that wants everything to be perfect but in the end you have to do more than expect more. I should probably have launched it sooner and fixed it, or made it perfect as i go but the perfectionist spirit in me wanted better for those interested in my blog.

I still have a lot of things to do on the new website but i hope everyone can see what i was aiming for. Greatly inspired by better food blogs, i figured if i do one last upgrade of my website maybe i can give this blogging thing my very best shot.

I'm really trying to make this post short but there's so much to say. The website is the only proof to my viewers that i didn't stop or forget or loose my love for blogging.

I'll let you figure out for yourself what's new on the new website and what isn't but I will point out the main upgrade which to be is a big deal: I wont be posting any meals without recipe's anymore and I'll remake some meals just so i can give you the recipe.

Rendez-Vous at www.cuisinevogue.com

Big X and Big O's :)


>> May 27, 2013

Hey guys,

Thank you all for your support and the constant visits to DMC. A warm welcome to my new followers as well *kisses hand and blows*.

DMC will be offline for approximately 2 weeks, 3 weeks max. She'll be heading out on a getaway luxury maintenance and update trip. That's the reason for this Salon and Spa post.

Sometime last year i updated my theme, template and recipe page of the blog. I'm looking to integrate every single thing on DMC to give you a cleaner and more helpful experience. In the bid to keep somethings a surprise, that's all I'm going to say right now.

If you do forget to check back in after the projected retreat period, don't worry because I'll be reminding you. Facebook, instagram, twitter etc.

You're welcome to join me on the trip

Gros Bisous

Roasted Fish & Wrapped Cassava (Myondo)

>> May 10, 2013

Roasted fish and Myondo
Hi Guys! what are your weekend plans, mine? to put a smile on someone's face. It's been in my mind to do it and I'll go full circle. Spreading love. I make meals like this when i crave them, this one is by far the easiest. The worst part is peeling the myondo. Arrghh.
Well, lets get this fish party started:
The Fish:
This is mackerel, the thing about Mackerel is it's the cheapest fish but it's extremely flavourful. This dish is a staple in Cameroon; Road side food, evening stroll food, Sunday's lunch. Paired with some Ndole to make it a full meal.
Wash your fish and coat it with salt, cover with Saran wrap and let it sit overnight, the next day wash off all the salt and pat them dry with a cloth or some bounty sheets.
Coat your fish with the sauce (below), and grill on both sides until it looks as crisp as mine, mind you there's a fine line between burning your fish and creating that nice tasty skin.
The Sauce: I made the sauce out of
- 4 Tomatoes
- 1 Onions
- 2 tbsp Ginger
- 2 tbsp Garlic
- 5 tbsp White peppers (crushed)
- 2 tbsp Black peppers (crushed)
- Fresh green spring onions
Blend this combination and fry it in peanut oil till the sauce separates from the oil (it's a trick; this tells you that the tartness of the tomatoes is gone and the ingredients are all cooked)
Let your sauce cool before you coat your fish with it; use a nice glaze brush for this.
Myondo: This is totally Cameroonian and its from the people of the littoral province. It's Cassava grated and fermented and then rolled into leaves. There are two types, Bobollo and Myondo. One is bigger than the other and to tell you the truth i don't thing there is any different other than the size. What i would say is, myondo taste better and is usually cleaner looking.
Lean in: They say in Cameroon, when you find a place or person that sells clean fermented cassava you never buy it anywhere else.
This is what they look like

Gros Bisous!
DMC luv!

Grilled Sea Food

>> Apr 5, 2013

I love hosting but i have to be in the mood and then i get so passionate about it, its easy to cook for people that you care about or that you have a good relationship with. You end up naturally putting love into the meal. (Anyway... i tend to sail in my own thoughts) .
I invited my Friend over for dinner, we had been eating out every time that we hung out and so i thought I'd make us a really nice dinner with some good ol wine. These were appetisers. I marinated some shrimp, onions, green peppers and Pollock in salt, pepper, ginger and garlic. By the way, I'm not a fan of Pollock but grilled, it does taste good. I put them on a stick and grilled them for about 2 minutes.
Another way will be to stir fry the onions and pepper prior to grilling so that they aren't raw;              2 minutes isn't enough time to take the sting out of onions. She loved it! The main was pasta and the desert was banana cake and caramel ice cream. Make you wanna come visit me huh? ;) lol
Have an Awesome weekend guys!

Once again, i'm thinking about you *Big Kisses*
DMC Love :)

Fruit Salad

>> Mar 27, 2013

  Hi Everyone,                                                                                                                      i had this week where i had no appetite, nothing tasted right. I was yearning for fresh, i needed a burst of flavours in my mouth. Fruits are like chocolate; sometimes you have to close your eyes before you taste it to get the real flavour in every corner of your mouth and every sense of your being. The act alone can turn anything into an aphrodisiac. (God Bless Lisa, my university female psychology professor; made me see  a slice of lindt d'or in a whole different way. Anyway, so i craved fruits and i went on a fruit hull (my sister and i always talk to each other on face time and somewhere along the line we imitate YouTube girls "So i just did a spring hall" bla bla bla.. lol)
In this salad or cup of aphrodisiac and passion i have:
Blue berries
1 cup of orange juice and the juice of half a lemon (unifies the fruits and prolongs the freshness)

I bought all the fruits and peeled and chopped them myself, there's a little instrument that is really good for these but i didn't use it. I'll blog about it next time

"If you are really in the mood add a shot of Brandy (my mom always does) It takes this baby to a whole other level."

I'm looking for all ways to stay in touch with the love i try to spread on this website, hence my blogging on my lunch break.
Till we meet again! "DMC LOVE"

Alfredo Night! Served with Bok Choy and Garlic Bread

>> Mar 10, 2013

I had a friend over for dinner and this is what i served as the main. It's Pasta  made with Alfredo sauce, Shittake mushrooms, and spring onions. I grilled the chicken in the oven and rubbed it in a Tomato Alfredo sauce that i'd made with some cheese. I served it with steamed bok choy (a veggie on the side always keep the body right! :) ) and slices of home made garlic baguettes. 

Apple Pie - Loaf

Hi Guys! I made an apple pie Loaf. I have this new caption for DMC photos, it says "Crave it; make it" That's how this came about. Consider it a way of saving money or a way to be creative, it's also a way of knowing exactly what's getting into your mouth. When you make something you know exactly what you put into it.

For the crust i used:
1 1/4 cups of plain flour
1/2 cup of butter
2 pinches of salt
1 pinch of nutmeg (this is not standard, i wasn't putting any cinnamon into this pie so i substituted the flavor for something i liked)
1 egg yoke (to brush over)

For my filling:
3 Green Apples Peeled and sliced
1 cup sugar (brown is better)
2 spoons of cornstarch or flour
1 Lemon (Its Juice)

Macaroni & Chicken Breast

>> Feb 4, 2013

Hello guys! I know its been a while, i'm sorry for the silence. Here i have for you a little stir fry pasta. Macaroni, chicken breast onions and bell pepper. 
-Boil your pasta
-Fry your onions (Sliced) in a little oil
-Add in your pieces of Chicken 
-Add your chopped peppers and then your seasoning. {salt, pepper, black pepper & one bay leaf etc.. ( what you want}
- Combine with your macaroni

Gros Bisous!

Happy New Year - 2013

>> Jan 4, 2013

Happy new year my dear friends, I don't know all of you but you should know that i do this for you. 

Here's to many more years of food, how to's and fine dinning! 
I love you all. 
Please find attached a DMC calendar just for you!! Only Jan and feb are included. 


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