>> Jul 10, 2012
Dear followers ( and viewers),
I hope you all are fine, eating well, nurturing your bodies, drinking water and conditioning with exercise :). i tried to research a way to email you all at the same time and i couldn't find one. If anyone knows about that function on blogger, please let me know. Thank you guys for your support and constant queries. It is much appreciated.
I do apologize for the inconsistency in my postings these past few months. I have been in the process of major life changes; moving, transitioning from the student life to the professional world and most of all geographical changes. Not right now, but things will stabilize here soon and i would not be as scarce as i have been.
I recently moved from a tiny city to a huge city and i love it here. My skin is glowing. Entering a new space, new energy, new cell phone number. Makes you feel like no condition and no status is permanent. So many things can change right before your eyes.
Attached is a photo of the last plate my mom made before she returned to Cameroon. I won't make a post about it. It is dedicated to your guys. BISOUS!
While i disappear and reappear, feel free to keep in touch with me on the other social networks. I post food pics on instagram before i make a blog post of them follow @damebourgy. I do that instantly, so follow me there. Twitter is your go to for new post and tips and tricks, it notifies you quickly follow @CameroonCuisine
Before being a food blogger i was & still am a freelance fashion designer. I recently launched my website and Etsy store. I invite you guys to check it out at
ps: Please remember to check out the YOUR KITCHEN PAGE... you'll see beautiful things tomorrow...
the music is back on!! :)
I took this picture; view from the 27th floor of the coast hotel on fireworks night - CANADA DAY
Here's a video of part of the works :)