Peppered Snails (Nyamangoro)
>> Aug 25, 2011
Where i come from this is Taboo!. The North will tell you only people from the dirty Southwest eat Snails. My parents don't obviously, so naturally i never grew up eating snails .
(No offence, I love Cameroonians, North, south, east, west..Hit it!!! )
In Cameroon you won't find this on the streets of Bamenda, (except i was fooled with that fact hehe), . BHS changed that for me, it was like the best snack in boarding school days and it was Illegal, Illegal always seems more attractive :) . Raise your hand if you know what i mean.... thnx!. It is sold on sticks back home.
This is what they look like sold in Cameroon -------------------> I stole that picture off Facebook. I don't remember who's page it was on. Forgive me and thank you. :p
Funny enough "L'escargots s'est du délicatesse".(did a say tha righ? haha)