Home made Bread !!!
So i decided to try and bake bread. I don't mean cake, i realized that hear in Canada they call some cakes bread... :( not fair. like what we call banana cake back home they say banana bread. Anyway, i wanted to make bread cuz i was tired of seeing hard tough baguette and soft sliced dempsters at the G store.
I found this recipe online. but i would however add some tweaks to it when next i make it. For the most part it came out pretty good. Sliced up, with plain egg, pepper sauce, ketchup and black pepper cheddar cheese! yum!
Yum! Coconut rice and goat meat stew!
>> Jul 16, 2010
The veggies, not frozen, actually crunchy. The picture speaks for itself. This meal was yummy! the goat meat was tender... oh yes, i had people over for dinner. This is just one way to eat this type of viande! more to come :) hopefully :)
Ndole, Dodo and Rice
Sooo sorry again, not blog appropriate photos, but it isssss Ndolee! as soon as i get a better picture(that is the next time i cook Ndole, which will be a whileee), i will upload.
There is no substitute for myondo but all the same dodo and Ndole is a priceless combination. Off course i had people over still. i don't eat alone, its no fun! :)
Imagine a drive through in North America where they had Dodo,myondo and ndole as a combo meal with Fanta or top pamplemouse!! (Fly over my errors)
Dodo, potatoes and chicken breast
Picture still not blog appropriate, sorry. When you are hungry there really isn't time for pictures. As you can see the plate is on my lap, ready to be eaten. lol. So this is a quick meal. What makes it quick is the chicken breast, quickest thing to fix :)(i find)
The only Cameroonian thing here is the dodo and fried potatoes and the tomatoes and onion sauce.!! it was yummy is all i can say. ;)
The Famous - Fufu and Eru *****
Fufu and eru, everybody loves it. Unfortunately i did not have the blog idea when i took these pictures, so they are not as clear as they should be. I think this meal is the staple food for Bayangi people...(haha i knwo i did not spell that well.) All the same every Cameroonian eats it. My brothers love it so much its frustrating.
It is usually waterfufu and eru, and waterfufu is saor. unfortunately in this part of the world they have "kotoko flour", semolina, potatoa flour etc. They hardly have waterfufu;
so my strategy : kotoko has the texture of waterfufu so i add a few drops of concentrated lemon before i cook it. trust me it gets close to water fufu! hahaha--- try it
Secondly i heard from my Nigerian friends that they have a soup close to this called "Edikaikon"-- trust me i spelt it badly..
Don't mind the Rum bottle on the table--it was hardly planned. wink wink
Sorry again the pics are not blog worthy, but they sure can make your mouth watery :)
My people eating too!!
Roasted fish and Jasmine rice!(di best rice 2 me)
>> Jul 15, 2010
Funny thing about fish is the cheapest are the tastiest lol. no joke. mackerel is the cheapest fish and yet the tastiest. I bought this fish at the Asian super market. all the grocery stores have is Salmon and seriously salmon is healthy but u can't roast it like the Cameroonians roast fish! (will upload a salmon dish for you soon). The peas are sweet and tasty, they are not frozen..i don't eat frozen veggies ever.!! enjoy the view (and God no i did not eat this all by myself, its a 2 people serving)
Mongolian goodness
>> Jul 14, 2010
I bet everyone has been there, its a restaurant were you make your plate. so you walk a long aisle of veggies and sea food and a variety of meats. then you spice it with whatever sauce u want. u pretty much cook and they heat it up for you. and you pay based on the weight of the food.. bottom line. good food! good food! To me its the most healthy Eat out!