Late night indulgence
>> Aug 27, 2010
My apologies..the pictures were supposed to be of better quality but my camera ran out of power so i used my cell phone..;)
So i had been packing all day for my move out of my apartment. I forgot to eat pretty much. So late night indulgence for my friend who was helping me and i!, healthy and fresh. Teriyaki stir fry :bell peppers, some steak, shrimp, (my mushrooms were too frozen :() and Basmati rice(leanest i think***** so great for the night).
LAURA my darling only big sister taught me how to do this...she rocks at these things! i ate about a quarter of that plate..duh! when you're too hungry for long, u end up full all of a sudden :) enjoy the view and have a great weekend people! muah!